Replace <public_key> placeholder with contents of public key. Make sure to remove delimiters.
Role ACCOUNTADMIN is currently required in order for SnowKill to have full access to all SQL queries executed on account. Also, it is required to execute global SHOW LOCKS IN ACCOUNT command.
3) Create table and warehouse for SnowKill log storage in Snowflake
We suggest to start with Snowflake storage for demonstration purposes, since it requires the least amount of additional setup.
You will be able to use an alternative storage option for real production environment, e.g. Postgres or Hybrid Table.
display_information:name:snowflake-monitordescription:Monitoring of running, queued and blocked queries in Snowflakebackground_color:"#00a5e0"features:bot_user:display_name:Snowflake Monitoralways_online:trueoauth_config:scopes:bot: - chat:write - chat:write.publicsettings:org_deploy_enabled:falsesocket_mode_enabled:falsetoken_rotation_enabled:false
Press "Create".
Press "Install to Workspace" button, press "Allow".
Go to "Settings -> Install App" and copy the contents of Bot User OAuth Token field. You will need it to send notifications from Python script.
6) Create a Python script with the following content
You may choose any script file name. For example:
from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, INFOfrom os import getenvfrom requests import postfrom snowflake.connector import SnowflakeConnectionfrom snowkill import*definit_logger(): logger =getLogger("snowkill") logger.setLevel(INFO) logger.addHandler(StreamHandler())return loggerdefsend_slack_message(slack_token:str,slack_channel:str,message_blocks: List): response =post( url="", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {slack_token}","Content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }, json={"channel": slack_channel,"blocks": message_blocks, }, ) response.raise_for_status()return response.json()"""Complete example featuring basic usage of SnowKill:1) Auth using private key file2) Apply all types of checks3) Store and deduplicate in Snowflake table4) Format and send new check results to Slack"""logger =init_logger()connection =SnowflakeConnection( account=getenv("SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT"), user=getenv("SNOWFLAKE_USER"), private_key_file=getenv("SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE"),)snowkill_engine =SnowKillEngine(connection)snowkill_storage =SnowflakeTableStorage(connection, getenv("SNOWFLAKE_TARGET_TABLE"))snowkill_formatter =SlackFormatter(getenv("SNOWSIGHT_BASE_URL"))checks = [ExecuteDurationCondition( warning_duration=60*30, # 30 minutes for warning kill_duration=60*60, # 60 minutes for kill ),CartesianJoinExplosionCondition( min_output_rows=1_000_000, # join emits at least 1M output rows min_explosion_rate=5, # ratio of output rows to input rows is at least 5x warning_duration=60*5, # 5 minutes for warning kill_duration=60*10, # 10 minutes for kill ),JoinExplosionCondition( min_output_rows=10_000_000, # join emits at least 10M output rows min_explosion_rate=10, # ratio of output rows to input rows is at least 10x warning_duration=60*10, # 10 minutes for warning kill_duration=60*20, # 20 minutes for kill ),UnionWithoutAllCondition( min_input_rows=10_000_000, # at least 10M input rows for UNION without ALL notice_duration=60*10, # 10 minutes for notice ),StorageSpillingCondition( min_local_spilling_gb=50, # 50Gb spill to local storage min_remote_spilling_gb=1, # 1Gb spill to remote storage warning_duration=60*10, # 10 minutes for waring kill_duration=60*20, # 20 minutes for kill ),QueuedDurationCondition( notice_duration=60*30, # query was in queue for 30 minutes ),BlockedDurationCondition( notice_duration=60*5, # query was locked by another transaction for 5 minutes ),EstimatedScanDurationCondition( min_estimated_scan_duration=60*60*2, # query scan is estimated to take longer than 2 hours warning_duration=60*10, # warning after 10 minutes kill_duration=60*20, # kill after 20 minutes ),]# Apply checks to running, queued, blocked queriescheck_results = snowkill_engine.check_and_kill_pending_queries(checks)"[{len(check_results)}] queries matched check conditions")# Save successful checks in storage and remove duplicatescheck_results = snowkill_storage.store_and_remove_duplicate(check_results)"[{len(check_results)}] queries remained after store deduplication")# Send notification for each new check resultfor r in check_results: response =send_slack_message( slack_token=getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), slack_channel=getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), message_blocks=snowkill_formatter.format(r), )if response["ok"]:"Sent Slack notification for query [{r.query.query_id}]")else: logger.warning(f"Failed to send Slack notification for query [{r.query.query_id}], error: [{response['error']}]")
7) Set config options using environment variables
Replace example config options with values relevant for your Snowflake and Slack accounts. Execute commands in terminal.
Snowsight base URL, copy-pasted from browser window. It usually consists of, followed by organisation name and account name. But it might be different for old accounts and accounts with Private Link.